Performance analysis page helps to examining trend of companies. This information will help you to predicting companies’ development process in the future. Ceteris Paribus, a company usually follows historical development trend.
Performance analysis enable to pointing net and performance change of balance sheet items. Performance analysis page gives you an outlook of balance sheet. Analyzing is not only determining the changes in balance-sheet items on financial statements, it is also researching the reasons of these changes and revealing these developments are positive in terms of firm or not. You can determine companies by Finnet Smart Table that have extremely changing balance sheet items. Researching why they increased or decreased by looking these items growths and percentage changes and establishing relationships between differences on other items makes it easier to make interpretation about firm.
Analysis: Performance Analysis page includes profit, loss, sales, liabilities, assets and equity analyses. You just choose your analysis method and go.
Index: You can compare companies’ balance sheet items with peer groups. Sectors which are given with index codes are included in that index. Sectors which in sub-parts are created by BIST on BIST weekly bulletins.
Select First Period: For selecting first period which will be compared.
Select Last Period: For selecting second period which will be compared.
First period balance-sheet and second period balance-sheet will be used during calculation of change. Each balance-sheets have to belong in same period for making a significant analysis. For example: 1999/09 and 2000/09. (Both Q3 balance-sheets)
Get Analysis: Creates board according to selected criterion.