In “Search Company or Sector News” title, you display company or sector news which you want to see according to your determined criterions. First criterion is “Index/Sector” selection. In “Index/Sector” selection, you can select BIST Indexes, Finnet Sectors and you can determine the news which you want to see according to this. Other criterion in “Search Company or Sector News” title is “Stock/Index” selection. You can display the news of any stock or index which you want to see in this selection. You cal also determine the source and topic of the news which you want to see under this title and you can reshape the news according to this. You can also determine the date interval by choosing a starting and end date. You can set that how much news you want to see on one page and you might list the news which are including the key words that you have chosen with “Find” option.
FINNET Financial Information News Network